Tea Review: Teavana Strawberry Grapefruit Xue Long Green Tea
Howdy Steepers!
I’ve been slightly distracted by the candle making, so KayCee’s been doing the blog heavy lifting. That said, I thought it was time for me to write a blog post, and this one features one of my FAVORITE teas! My nephew and I went by the Teavana in the mall and the Strawberry Grapefruit Xue Long Green tea happened to be one of the samples they were featuring at the time. I usually am not a big fan of the iced teas that they offer as samples, but my nephew and I couldn’t get enough of this one! He twisted my arm into purchasing it and spending $50 plus on other tea at the store (he didn’t actually influence me at all; I just need to be able to blame the excessive spending on someone).

Anyway we make it back home and he asks me to make some more of that tea (this part is actually true). I scooped out enough of the wonderfully fragrant leaves and ingredients to give us both 2-3 cups. The grapefruit scent smells so fresh! Once it was through steeping I poured it all in a jug and put it in the freezer to drink it cold. During this process, I realized that I am entirely too impatient to make iced tea. Delayed gratification is not for me! By the time the tea was cold, my sister in law had already picked up my nephew. He truly missed out, but hey, more for me! :) If you guys are going to try this iced or hot, you will most likely need to add a sweetener because the grapefruit , strawberry, and hibiscus combo can be pretty tart. My sweetner of choice is rock sugar, but sissy loves honey. Either way, I’m sure you’ll enjoy this tea as well! It’s great for the summer when iced, but I like to drink it hot as well. I currently have a mug full of the fruity elixir, and it’s almost like I can feel the antioxidants from the tea coursing through my veins. :P